BUR #332 has been rejected.
deprecate violet_hair
deprecate violet_eyes
deprecate violet_panties
The nomenclature for this colour in Danbooru/AIBooru is purple. "Violet" is a term ported from Sankaku Complex
Posted under Tags
BUR #332 has been rejected.
deprecate violet_hair
deprecate violet_eyes
deprecate violet_panties
The nomenclature for this colour in Danbooru/AIBooru is purple. "Violet" is a term ported from Sankaku Complex
Iroshi said:
Violet eyes and violet hair used to be alises in Danbooru, but those were reverted for convenience in mid 2021
"These are hair and eye colors that are infrequently used yet show up in autocomplete for some common searches.", however for us it makes sense because people can't be bothered to change tags from Sankaku to AIB. Maybe it's not much of an issue on Dan, but it seems that way on here.
Personally I am in more favour of having more color tags than less. That is why I rejected my own BUR at topic #208 which was created to "make it more like Danbooru".
I would also personally undeprecate yellow_hair as it is in my opinion different from blonde hair; blonde is a faded yellow color and yellow is just strong yellow. Similarly, violet is a faded purple and purple is a strong purple.
Light blue hair & dark blue hair exist instead of being aliased. They are implicated to blue hair. I would vote for implicating violet to purple, as it is indeed just a shade of purple though.
Well, unlike gold eyes which is a tag used by multiple people, these violet tags have been used barely by anyone. Violet hair could be alias to light purple hair and violet eyes to purple eyes, unless someone wants to come up with a definition for both that makes those tags interesting enough for people to search and they should be populated at least a little to match that definition before the BUR is about to expire. If not, they should be deprecated and maybe aliased.
Violet panties is kinda, too niché, having one post but I guess same thing, if it gets populated, maybe it can be kept.
None of the three tags have been populated any further so I am in favor of deprecating them, and as I previously mentioned, would alias hair & eyes to purple. I did say "Violet hair could be alias to light purple hair" but seems like violet comes in both dark and light, it's just that the current tagged pics happen to be all light in color.
BUR #379 has been approved by @Lyren.
create alias violet_hair -> purple_hair
create alias violet_eyes -> purple_eyes
create alias violet_panties -> purple_panties
As discussed above.
The bulk update request #332 (forum #2327) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.
The bulk update request #379 (forum #2576) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.
The bulk update request #379 (forum #2576) has been approved by @Lyren.