
Artist Alias Request Thread

Posted under General

BUR #186 has been approved by @Lyren.


rename ai_gondora_(pixiv_id_89437907) -> aigondora
rename el-nahat_(yui_id_2116579) -> yui_(el-nahat)
rename chiei_riko_(pixiv_id_88897618) -> chiei_riko
rename ryan4_(pixiv_id_92799751) -> ryan4
rename habatake674_(pixiv_id_93753024) -> habatake674
rename mayonaka_rr_(pixiv_id_88219237) -> mayonaka_rr
rename cgun_(pixiv_id_91833978) -> cgun
rename ksfa_(pixiv_id_30009787) -> ksfa
rename sister-goddess_(pixiv_id_6615124) -> macross013
rename nikita74_(pixiv_id_90865766) -> nikita74
rename fadityrantt_(pixiv_id_41336224) -> faditryantt
rename kit0337_(pixiv_id_447766) -> kit0337
rename itouryuu_(pixiv_id_51892140) -> itouryuu
rename op_ai_(pixiv_id_90176016) -> op-ai
rename takumi_(pixiv_id_85519232) -> takumi_(user_uufx7423)
rename nijgenai_(pixiv_id_89778292) -> nijigenaioji
rename nijigenai_(pixiv_id_89778292) -> nijigenaioji

Dropping the non-standard qualifiers and adding more normal ones, and dropping the unnecessary ones completely. All of these entries were made by the same user. In order:

Twitter name
Pixiv name & stacc qualifier
Romanized Pixiv name
Pixiv name
Twitter name
Twitter name
Pixiv name
Pixiv name
Stacc/Twitter/Pawoo username, preferring over the slightly more ambiguous Pixiv name Sister-goddess
Fanbox URL, NIKITA is the name the artist uses but using the 74 as a qualifier
Pixiv name
Twitter name
Pixiv name
Pixiv/Stacc/Twitter name
Romanized Pixiv name & stacc qualifier
Empty artist entry, typo, see the one below
Twitter name

BUR #193 has been approved by @Lyren.

create alias graham-san -> graham_san
create alias user_tkmz7783 -> rui_(user_tkmz7783)
create alias aibooru-adult-kun -> adult-kun
create alias user_nghs2454 -> etta-chan_(ai_silverbob)
create alias user_zssu2747 -> ltbg

Another dupe, and cleaned some other posts with 2 artists. This was the last dupe I found.
Generic stacc name -> Pixiv name + stacc qualifier
Dropping the unnecessary aibooru qualifier
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv/Twitter name & Twitter username qualifier
Generic stacc name -> Pixiv name

BUR #209 has been approved by @SONYA.

create alias user_hdtc2744 -> azq_(azq025)
create alias user_ygen5843 -> minato-chino
create alias user_vska2388 -> pixivaichann
create alias user_ymam3338 -> takahashi_koizumi
create alias user_eyux4738 -> xiphiros
create alias user_thpy7478 -> obuchi314
create alias user_fpd7040 -> 001_(user_fpd7040)
create alias user_sgnz2877 -> kisakukk77
create alias user_gztz4548 -> hanagata_kai

Stacc name -> Pixiv name + Ko-Fi name as qualifier
Stacc name -> Pixiv name
Stacc name -> Twitter name
Stacc name -> Pixiv name (romanized)
0 post tag * Stacc name -> Pixiv name
Stacc name -> Twitter name
Stacc name -> Pixiv + Stacc name as qualifier
Stacc name -> Twitter name
Stacc name -> Twitter name (also dupe artist tags)

Lyren said:

What's the mistake exactly? Pretty important to know/state before the BUR can be approved

I created a new artist in a mistake with links i belive heat_zero1 was the same and i created the alias later i saw the twitter account and aren't the same actually i created a new artist until this can be solved this was the artist i created hamati_ai_art all start in the post #46583

Imagine_Breaker said:

I created a new artist in a mistake with links i belive heat_zero1 was the same and i created the alias later i saw the twitter account and aren't the same actually i created a new artist until this can be solved this was the artist i created hamati_ai_art

If you believe they are two different people then it's totally reasonable to unalias.

Lyren said:

If you believe they are two different people then it's totally reasonable to unalias.

They are you can check his Twitter accont
I found their Twitter account for both cases and added to them I'm terrible using the forum format

Imagine_Breaker said:

Thx I'm very terrible using the forum I'm close to 30 years and i never learn how to use correctly the forum

It's fine, remember that the AIBooru Discord has a lot of helpers if you ever need it in the future.

BUR #230 has been approved by @Lyren.

rename kamokamocomon -> kamo3
create alias user_nanx3727 -> mishin_(user_nanx3727)
create alias user_ruup8878 -> eris_greyrat_(user_ruup8878)
create alias user_krnr5828 -> kogarasu_(user_krnr5828)
create alias user_thmg8524 -> vo_(user_thmg8524)
create alias user_xxtp2457 -> zellu_aiart
create alias zellu_aiart2 -> zellu_aiart
create alias user_gyyw2222 -> kanon648
create alias user_spfz7558 -> okiba2022
create alias user_msee5537 -> momomomo
create alias user_kwzt5434 -> kem_(user_kwzt5434)
create alias user_whzu7785 -> eluq
create alias user_whkz7545 -> al-chan
create alias user_jhnt7233 -> alterf
create alias user_gtvj8877 -> yumekawa
create alias user_prpa7825 -> hrmbe

Old empty tag with dupe Twitter link -> Actual used name
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name + stacc qualifier
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name + stacc qualifier (this is an already existing character's name so it needs a qualifier)
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name + stacc qualifier
Generic stacc name -> Pixiv name + stacc qualifier
Generic stacc name -> The name the artist uses everywhere
Dupe of the one above with some different socials of the same user.
Generic stacc name -> Patreon username
Generic stacc name -> Twitter username
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name
Generic stacc name -> Fanbox link username + stacc qualifier
Generic stacc name -> The name the artist uses everywhere
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name + used in the link (without the dash but I think romanizing it this way is better)
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name. Other platforms (probably different users) have romanized it this way so going with this.
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name
Generic stacc name -> Pixiv name

I'll continue later.

BUR #231 has been approved by @Lyren.


create alias user_eenc3353 -> jonaiart
create alias aibooru-user_16205 -> kekkappa
create alias kekkappa_(artist) -> kekkappa
create alias user_utkj7787 -> mdm_(ai_dancer1)
create alias user_jjka5884 -> mallard_2
create alias user_fffh5354 -> icchy
create alias user_tkag7545 -> siromoti_art
create alias user_jkhn4273 -> nobeemon
create alias user_iracim -> iracim
create alias user_autu3478 -> akami5578
create alias user_kpak4533 -> totono-chan
create alias user_xcyd4372 -> keria_aiartist
create alias user_juvc7544 -> ham73598986764
create alias user_wagy8338 -> aide
create alias user_hycu5437 -> stable_child
create alias user_ggjn3328 -> ai_goisu
create alias user_kxwz8772 -> pyo_330
create alias user_ftgx5254 -> bombshell_(user_ftgx5254)
create alias user_dfdh3482 -> chandra_pomelo_(user_dfdh3482)
create alias user_ufkd3782 -> pokusai

Generic stacc name -> Twitter username
ID -> Actual name
Old name of the above -> Dropping the qualifier
Generic stacc name -> Pixiv name + Twitter username qualifier
Generic stacc name -> Pixiv name
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name. Took the romanization from the Twitter username
Generic stacc name -> Twitter username
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name/Fanbox username
Stacc name -> The name the artist uses everywhere
Generic stacc name -> Booth username (Booth link found in commentary). Pixiv link is dead, but other names says "Akami" in hiragana as well.
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name
Generic stacc name -> Twitter username/Patreon username
Generic stacc name -> Twitter username
Generic stacc name -> The name the artist uses everywhere
Generic stacc name -> Romanized + translated Pixiv name/Twitter name/Fanbox name
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name
Generic stacc name -> Twitter username
Generic stacc name -> CivitAI username + stacc qualifier
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name - apparently it's a fruit so adding stacc qualifier(?)
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv name/Fanbox username

BUR #233 has been approved by @Lyren.

create alias athanasios -> raijin_(athanasios)
create alias raijin_(artist) -> raijin_(athanasios)

Dupe artist name - both used for self-uploads by the same user, some even on a single post. raijin was the one used on the most recent post and has all the linked socials, so I assume this is the one the user wants to keep. (artist) is a bad qualifier though, so I think raijin_(athanasios) is better.

@BlueBloodBaroness Do you agree with this new artist tag?

BUR #237 has been approved by @Lyren.

create alias sojla -> kawaxte

As 'sojla' was a temporary alias online to escape the bad reputation that 'kawaxte' had in a particular community, I feel that there is no hiding myself from who I am online, so I have decided to change all my usernames back to 'kawaxte', including on this site.

The reputation isn't as bad now as it used to be years ago. Things have toned down, so it's okay to wear it again. I don't think there is a need to change it anymore. It defines me. It identifies me.

BUR #261 has been approved by @Lyren.

create alias yamanasi -> umitaka-metal
create alias user_wcyp8383 -> j_(user_wcyp8383)
create alias sweets_cherry -> aifu
create alias dougnormai -> doug_norm_ai
create alias user_kuen3745 -> toyosada
create alias user_zkvx7275 -> honya_(user_zkvx7275)
create alias user_jgzu4357 -> kawasawa
create alias user_cufh5838 -> kiyoaki_(ai_loli_painter)

Stacc name -> Pixiv/Twitter name
Generic stacc name -> Pixiv name + stacc qualifier
Stacc name -> Pixiv name
Stacc name -> Pixiv/Twitter name
Generic stacc name -> Pixiv name
Generic stacc name -> Pixiv name + stacc qualifier
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv/Twitter name
Generic stacc name -> Romanized Pixiv/Twitter/Fanbox/Instagram name + Twitter username/Fanbox url qualifier

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