pokemon (classic anime)
The first Pokémon anime series, where Ash Ketchum travels through Kanto, Johto and the Orange Islands. This series is loosely based on Pokémon Red, Green, Blue and Yellow, and Pokémon Gold, Silver and Crystal.
Ash and friends
Team Rocket
Ash's Rivals
This tag implicates pokemon_(anime) (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: pokemon:_the_first_movie_-_mewtwo_strikes_back, pokemon_3:_the_movie_-_spell_of_the_unown:_entei, pokemon_4ever_-_celebi:_the_voice_of_the_forest, pokemon_heroes:_latios_&_latias, and pokemon_the_movie_2000:_the_power_of_one (learn more).