muv-luv alternative (anime)
The anime adaptation of Muv-Luv Alternative, which features a completely different art style from the visual novel and an entirely new voice cast. The new cast has effectively replaced the original VAs, as the anime cast reprised their roles in Project MIKHAIL and are planned to continue doing so for any future projects featuring the original characters.
It initially ran from October 7 to December 22, 2021 and a second season began airing in October 2022.
The anime is closer to the manga adaptation than the original VN, as it includes several manga-original scenes and characters (such as Komaki Sayoko).
This tag should be used for posts that feature or reference anime-original aspects such as:
- the character and/or fortified suit redesigns
- seiyuu related posts based on the new voice cast
- characters and events introduced in the anime-original first episode
- direct references to the adaptation's version of plot events
- any official, promotional, or production art related to the anime