Ymir (ユーミル) is a character from Queen's Blade. Voiced by Saitou Ayaka, designed by Mibu Natsuki. She is the daughter of the reigning dwarven monarch, and entered the Queen's Blade tournament to prove the superiority of dwarven-make weapons. She has light brown hair with ringlets and blue eyes. Fights using an axe.
As of Queen's Blade Rebellion, Ymir's axe was shattered in a duel with Claudette. According to the dwarven honor code, this meant that she was obliged to serve Claudette, who went on to win the Queen's Blade tournament and be crowned Queen. Ymir is now the Queen's strategist, where her skills with alchemy and technology are being put to good use.
Ymir's (The Iron Princess) battle book: pool #2008
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