メカ娘 メカ少女 兵器擬人化 艦船擬人化 オリジナル艦娘 MS少女 機娘 机娘 機甲娘
The anthropomorphization of hardware of all kinds (mecha) as cute girls (musume). Popular for military hardware, but also cars, trains, videogame consoles etc. Closely related to the OS-tan phenomenon.
For Shimada Fumikane's "Mecha Musume in the narrower sense", use Konami_Mecha_Musume tag. (See also its Japanese Wikipedia page.)
See also
- mecha danshi (male counterpart)
- kantai collection
- personification
- mechanization
External links
- Wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mecha_Musume
The following tags are aliased to this tag: mechamusume and weapongirl (learn more).