A 2002 anime created by Izubuchi Yutaka and BONES. It was then adapted into a manga by Momose Takeaki (serialized in Shogakukan's Monthly Sunday Gene-X), a series of novels written by Oonogi Hiroshi, a movie derived from the anime (Rahxephon: Pluralitas Concentio), and a video game (Rahxephon: Soukyuu Gensoukyoku).
- Asahina Hiroko
- Cathy McMahon
- Elvy Hadhiyat
- Kim Hotal
- Kamina Ayato
- Kisaragi Itsuki
- Kisaragi Quon
- Mishima Reika
- Nanamori Sayoko
- RahXephon
- Shitou Haruka
- Shitou Megumi
- Ernst von Bahbem
- Helena von Bahbem
External links
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