Nunchaku, more commonly known as the "nunchucks", is a traditional East Asian weapon that consists of two sticks connected at their ends with a short chain or rope.
While often associated with Chinese and Okinawan martial arts, most long chained and small handle nunchaku were actually created in the Philippines, where they are called Tabak-Toyok and are commonly known as Chako. The Chako is often used as a street weapon in brawls. The smaller size of the Tabak-Toyok allows for easy concealment and everyday carry. The weapon is best used at long-range.
This small handle type of nunchaku is more often used for quick and multiple strikes than grips or holds (like its Chinese and Japanese counterparts), and was popularized by Bruce Lee after he was introduced to them by his Flilipino fellow martial artist and friend, Dan Inosanto.
Not to be confused with three section staff.
See also
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