A Japanese manga about basketball written and illustrated by Fujimaki Tadatoshi. Started in December 2008, Kuroko's Basketball tells the story of a high school basketball team trying to make it to nationals. An anime adaptation by Production I.G began airing on April 7, 2012.
Seirin High
- Kuroko Tetsuya
- Kagami Taiga
- Aida Riko
- Kiyoshi Teppei
- Hyuuga Junpei
- Izuki Shun
- Mitobe Rinnosuke
- Koganei Shinji
- Tsuchida Satoshi
- Furihata Kouki
- Kawahara Kouichi
- Fukuda Hiroshi
Kaijou High
Shuutoku High
Touou High
Yousen High
- Murasakibara Atsushi
- Himuro Tatsuya
- Okamura Kenichi
- Fukui Kensuke
- Liu Wei
Rakuzan High
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