Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku (Japanese: 地獄楽, Hepburn: Jigokuraku) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yuji Kaku. Set in the Edo period of Japan, it follows the ninja Gabimaru and the executioner Yamada Asaemon Sagiri as they search for the elixir of immortality. It was serialized weekly for free on the Shōnen Jump+ application and website from January 22, 2018, to January 25, 2021. The chapters were collected and published into 13 tankōbon volumes by Shueisha. Viz Media has licensed the series for English release in North America. An anime television series adaptation by MAPPA premiered in April 2023.
Yamada (Asaemon) Clan
- Yamada Asaemon Sagiri
- Yamada Asaemon Shion
- Yamada Asaemon Tensa
- Yamada Asaemon Senta
- Yamada Asaemon Fuchi
- Yamada Asaemon Eizen
- Aza Touma
- Yamada Asaemon Jikka
- Yamada Asaemon Genji
- Yamada Asaemon Kisho
- Yamada Asaemon Shugen
- Yamada Asaemon Isuzu
- Yamada Asaemon Kiyomaru
- Yamada Asaemon Gagaimo
- Yamada Asaemon Tsumutsumu
External links
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