This page serves to describe the differences between the various user levels on AIBooru.
Browsing Differences
No Account | Member | Gold | Builder | |
Max saved searches | - | 250 | 1,000 | No Limit |
Max tags per search | 4 | 4 | 6 | No Limit |
Max pages per search | 1000 | 1000 | 5000 | 5000 |
Max search timeout | 3s | 3s | 6s | 9s |
Max favgroups | - | 10 | No Limit | No Limit |
API regen rate | - | 1/s | 4/s | 4/s |
Permission Differences:
- Restricted users
- Can't edit anything until they verify their email address. A user is restricted if they signup using a VPN or proxy.
- Can browse the site without ads.
- Members and above can:
- Upload posts (subject to their upload limit).
- Favorite and vote on posts.
- Edit posts and tags.
- Flag posts (up to 5 posts per 3 days). If they have 30 accepted flags in the last 3 months with an accepted ratio of at least 70%, they have unlimited flags.
- Appeal posts (each appeal costs 3 upload slots).
- Create and edit pools.
- Create, edit, and delete wiki pages and artist entries.
- Create, edit, and delete their own comments and forum posts.
- Change the category of tags with less than 50 posts.
- Create, reject, and edit their own Bulk Update Requests.
- Send and receive DMails.
- Edit their user settings.
- Change their username (at most once a week).
- View username change history.
- Access Member-only forum threads.
- Gold and above can:
- Leave feedbacks on other users.
- Use the mode menu in the sidebar for quicker tagging, favoriting, and upvoting.
- View the forum activity indicator. The "Forum" link in the navbar will become italicized when there are unread posts.
- Access Gold-only forum threads.
- The Platinum level is not used on AIBooru and you cannot upgrade your account. However, if you contribute to the site, you can be promoted to either a Gold or Builder level account.
- Builders and above can:
- Lock and unlock wiki pages.
- Delete and undelete pools.
- Change the category of any tag with fewer than 1000 posts.
- Approve alias or rename bulk update requests for artist tags with fewer than 200 posts.
- Access Builder-only forum threads.
- Contributors and above can:
- Upload posts without being subject to the moderation queue (their posts are automatically approved). Posts can still voluntarily be sent through the modqueue.
- Appeal an unlimited number of posts.
- Approvers and above can:
- Approve and undelete posts (excluding their own uploads and posts they previously approved).
- Delete posts.
- Move favorites from a deleted post to its parent post.
- Ban and unban posts.
- Flag posts without limit.
- Replace the image on a post with a different file.
- Moderators and above can:
- Promote or demote users up to Approver level.
- View the IP and session history of other users.
- Ban users, IP addresses, and IP ranges.
- Change the name of other users (Builder and below).
- Edit or delete user feedbacks (except ones given to them).
- View who voted on comments.
- View who downvoted on posts.
- View or search who flagged a post.
- Edit, delete, or sticky (prevent hiding due to downvotes) comments.
- Edit or delete forum posts.
- Delete, pin, or lock/unlock forum threads.
- Access Moderator-only forum threads.
- Admins can:
- Promote or demote users up to Moderator level.
- Approve, edit, or reject any bulk update requests.
- Expunge (permanently delete from the site) posts.
- Change the category of any tag.
- Ban or unban artist tags.
- Approve any post any number of times.
- Approve their own posts.
- Create site news banners.
Getting promoted
To advance to a higher user level, you must be promoted by a Moderator or Admin. The following are general guidelines on how to get promoted:
- Gold - Make a minor number of contributions to the site, such as uploading, translating, tagging, contributing to forum discussions or anything else that is helpful to other users.
- Builder - Make a notable number of improvements to the site, such as by uploading, translating, tagging, contributing to forum discussions or anything else that is helpful to other users.
- Contributor - Contribute a notable number of high-quality uploads. It is generally important to have a relatively low amount of deleted uploads.
- Approver - Have a decent to excellent record of high quality uploads, with few deleted.
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