Mobile gacha game in the Gundam Breaker franchise. The global English version was initially known as Gundam Battle: Gunpla Warfare.
The story centers around the Soukai Academy Gunpla Club, their efforts to win Gunpla tournaments, and their misadventures along the way.
Later established to be in the same universe as Gundam Breaker 3 during a crossover for Gundam Breaker Battlogue.
Soukai Academy Gunpla Club
- Player Character/Fudou Ryuusei
- Miyama Sana
- Aizen Touma
- Kuzunoha Rindou
- Seto Ichiho
- Sarashina Mizuki
- Shinjou Tsukumo
Nippa High Gunpla Club
Denive Girls Junior College Gunpla Club
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