GOSICK is a light novel mystery series written by Sakuraba Kazuki (桜庭一樹) and illustrated by Takeda Hinata (武田日向). The series includes nine volumes of main story, four volumes of short stories titled GosickS and four volumes of after stories "Gosick New Continent" titled Gosick Red, Gosick Blue, Gosick Pink and Gosick Green.
Received an anime adaptation in 2011.
- Kujou Kazuya
- Victorica de Blois
- Albert Marquis de Blois
- Avril Bradley
- Brian Roscoe
- Cecile Lafitte
- Cordelia Gallo
- Greville de Blois
- Jacqueline de Signore
- Jupiter Roget
- Kujou Ruri
- Mildred Arbogast
- Sergius
External links
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