Dragon Quest V (subtitled "Hand of the Heavenly Bride" in English) is the fifth installment in the Dragon Quest video game series. The game is noteworthy as the first 16-bit installment of the series, and for its central conceit of following the main character from childhood to maturity, seeing how the world and other characters change as he ages. The player must also famously make a marriage decision between two (or, in some versions, three) different girls who will offer themselves to the hero, one of whom will eventually become the mother of his children.
Originally developed by Chunsoft and published by Enix Corporation, Dragon Quest V was released for the Super Famicom. It has since been remade for the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo DS. Only the DS version has been officially released in English.
- Hero
- Bianca
- Flora
- Deborah
- Hero's Son
- Hero's Daughter
- Papas
- Bella
- Powan
- Henry
- Maria
- Collins
- Ludman
- Sancho
- Martha
- Jyami
- Gonz
- Ibul
- Mildrath
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