Pokemon #655 in the National PokéDex, a dual-type Fire/Psychic Pokémon.
It evolves from Braixen starting at level 36. It is the final form of Fennekin.
Delphox is a relatively tall bipedal Pokémon resembling a fox. It is covered in a coat of fur that resembles a robe; this "robe" is primarily dark red, with red-orange, flame-like markings near its knees, as well as a thin tuft of white fur on its torso, flanked by yellow fur draping down from its shoulders. It has three tufts of red-orange fur protruding out of each ear. Its forearms feature long red fur resembling sleeves, and its hands and feet are dark gray with three clawed fingers and toes, respectively. A tail covered in yellow fur protrudes from its "robe." When its mouth is open, two pointed teeth can be seen on its upper jaw.
Delphox carries a stick that it uses like a magic wand; when in use, the tip is set alight, and when not in use, the stick is hidden away in its sleeve-like fur.
Japanese Name: Mahoxy
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