


yoruteien said:

I advise you to avoid posting stuff that would qualify both photorealistic and child altogether. I know AIBooru is not Danbooru, but on Danbooru, you aren't allowed to post photo (medium) stuff of anything that could contain a person under 18, regardless of context and whether or not it's safe for work. photorealistic and child posts should be banned from AIBooru, but I guess that's just my opinion for now. Opinions aside, it's objectively creepy to upload stuff like this, considering that these models were trained on actual photos (very likely at least) and that you also uploaded suggestive (rating:s) photorealistic loli shit which is absolutely prohibited here, and for a similar reason I specified above already.

And for your information, shit like photorealistic loli is actually illegal, ficitonal or not. It was always banned from AIBooru for that reason and for it's very possible sources of creation, the data the model was trained on.

I appreciate both the comment and the suggestions. Now... It's a tough one. I think I have seen enough ai-generated photorealistic generic p0rn for the rest of my life. For several life even. It's a different topic.
So if we exclude that plus what is forbidden plus what you suggest, we effectively exclude realistic. I guess there is still the landscaping, ...

So I am left with anime models. They are quite interesting, no issue there. They even tend to be a lot more versatile than realistic ones. But they quite easily produce malformed parts. While it doesn't disturb me, it won't meet the high quality criteria of this website. Unlike I guess many people here, I don't have a full setup where I can spam Loras, pick the model I want, inpaint and use other useful stuff like this. The free service I use is awesome, but limited in many regards.

I need to think. Both of your advices and if this service is actually what I am looking for. It's not even adapted for the content I want to do (write stories - in anime render). Initially I was looking for a free image hosting service. Ideally something in Denmark, as I heard they are more protective about free speech in regard to the topic we discussed earlier.

Like I said, I need to think.

But thanks for the comment. I guess it also applies to the fox-girl I posted.

P.S. I object to the notion of "objectively creepy".

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    Vasumitra said:

    The image I posted wasn't going to send anyone in prison. It was taken down, but you find worse on Google image. And on the first results. A girl in swimsuit.

    People are going in prison for child abuse. For harming actual children. Here we are talking about AIs generating stuff
    (People also go in prison for drawn Loli btw. And in certain country for pornography full stop). With the ai we can create a huge quantity of explicit (and realistic) content without harming any children in the process. I would prefer a million pedo jerking off on AI generated images than one pedo actually assaulting a real child.
    (I am not specific Loli. I have nice prompts for highly disturbing guro stuff and if zoo wasn't that hard to get I would do it too. Heck, I would mix all of the above. And I am not even interested by this stuff: my only goal since I started creating images has been to create what is not easily found on the internet. Not to create an ersatz of what is the most commonly found content. Which means systematically going against the biais of the AI)

    @maimaimai Thank you I'll give it a try.
    EDIT: just so you know, they ban "realistic AI or 3D generated content". Considering the meaning of the acronym ATF, I guess it's yet another case where "all does not mean all" (like when you compile with the flag -Wall with gcc, but it's a different story).

    I may post other cute images (like this one) or other non Loli explicit images.

    I advise you to avoid posting stuff that would qualify both photorealistic and child altogether. I know AIBooru is not Danbooru, but on Danbooru, you aren't allowed to post photo (medium) stuff of anything that could contain a person under 18, regardless of context and whether or not it's safe for work. photorealistic and child posts should be banned from AIBooru, but I guess that's just my opinion for now. Opinions aside, it's objectively creepy to upload stuff like this, considering that these models were trained on actual photos (very likely at least) and that you also uploaded suggestive (rating:s) photorealistic loli shit which is absolutely prohibited here, and for a similar reason I specified above already.

    And for your information, shit like photorealistic loli is actually illegal, ficitonal or not. It was always banned from AIBooru for that reason and for it's very possible sources of creation, the data the model was trained on.

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    kex243 said:

    try hidden truth mix model

    I would gladly try it. The problem is that I use a free online service that had a limited set of available model. But if I find it on stable horde, I'll absolutely give it a go.
    (Or when I'll have a pc to run those models myself).

    Thanks for the comment. :) :) :)

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    sulph said:

    idk what to say man, not sure if it was on the same level of realism as this but why the fuck would you even consider highly illegal shit that people end up going to prison for a long time for.

    The image I posted wasn't going to send anyone in prison. It was taken down, but you find worse on Google image. And on the first results. A girl in swimsuit.

    People are going in prison for child abuse. For harming actual children. Here we are talking about AIs generating stuff
    (People also go in prison for drawn Loli btw. And in certain country for pornography full stop). With the ai we can create a huge quantity of explicit (and realistic) content without harming any children in the process. I would prefer a million pedo jerking off on AI generated images than one pedo actually assaulting a real child.
    (I am not specific Loli. I have nice prompts for highly disturbing guro stuff and if zoo wasn't that hard to get I would do it too. Heck, I would mix all of the above. And I am not even interested by this stuff: my only goal since I started creating images has been to create what is not easily found on the internet. Not to create an ersatz of what is the most commonly found content. Which means systematically going against the biais of the AI)

    @maimaimai Thank you I'll give it a try.
    EDIT: just so you know, they ban "realistic AI or 3D generated content". Considering the meaning of the acronym ATF, I guess it's yet another case where "all does not mean all" (like when you compile with the flag -Wall with gcc, but it's a different story).

    I may post other cute images (like this one) or other non Loli explicit images.


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    Vasumitra said:

    Ok, thanks for the information. I posted another image without noticing that you answered me on that one. And I was going to ask in panic how to delete it.

    But it has been takedown-ed. Perfect. Better like this. Now I expect the incoming ban but it's fair.

    I just wanted to thank you for that and ask an unrelated question: are hotlink accepted ? E.g. hosting an image here and using it somewhere else with a direct link ?

    Thanks for your help anyway and sorry (sincerely) if I unsettled anyone or created discomfort.

    idk what to say man, not sure if it was on the same level of realism as this but why the fuck would you even consider highly illegal shit that people end up going to prison for a long time for.

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    Ok, it's why I originally came here. Let's set aside the previous posts. This is Clarissa. She has a complete story that I'll try to post here, bits by bits. I think I'll make a mix of "speech bubble" and a text in the comment. Maybe I'll combine several images into one "page". I don't know.

    Her appearance is relatively stable (surprisingly so), so it should be doable. I am open to suggestions.

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    Ok, thanks for the information. I posted another image without noticing that you answered me on that one. And I was going to ask in panic how to delete it.

    But it has been takedown-ed. Perfect. Better like this. Now I expect the incoming ban but it's fair.

    I just wanted to thank you for that and ask an unrelated question: are hotlink accepted ? E.g. hosting an image here and using it somewhere else with a direct link ?

    Thanks for your help anyway and sorry (sincerely) if I unsettled anyone or created discomfort.

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    Julesvoyager said:

    what the actual fuck

    It's still legal and even sfw. You can find similar images on Google image without even searching for them. Now, if it goes against the rule I'll gladly delete it if someone explain to me how to do it.

    It's perfectly decent. It's not even underwear, it's swimwear.

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    Second post. I had to "tame" it by adding the "two-pieces" keyword in the prompt. You'll note that adding "birthday suit" instead of "nude" or "naked" avoids increasing the breasts. The same is true for the tag "completely_nude", but it only works on model that has been trained on booru tags. Which is the case for most of the models anyway.


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    check the help:upload rules
    1. Any sort of nsfw or even sexually suggestive realistic images of children are prohibited. Keep in mind this extends further than just photorealism, even realistic images are against the rules.
    2. While the rules technically don't prohibit sharing information about making such images, I don't think this is a place for this.

    And about the realistic_loli tag - it only exists to mark prohibited posts, anything marked with it won't be displayed on the site.


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    Hello, it's my first post here. I tried to put the correct tags, I certainly missed some.
    I was wondering what the policy is about NSFW images like this. I saw there is a tag "realistic_loli", but it seems empty somehow.
    I don't want to break the rules. I don't think asking what the policy is breaks the rules, so I ask.

    (It's not that easy to get those images in the first place, as you likely know. A lot of tags tend to increase the boobs size and the overall age. I found some tricks and would love to share (but not if it's against the rules).

    EDIT: actually, it's two independent questions.
    1/ can I post those images (the NSFW versions) ?
    2/ can I share my knowledge on how to make them ?


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    sulph said:

    No worries thought it was a little funny. Do you use stable diffusion locally?

    No, i was using the wrong tag I think, i have used Yodao fronted. I have edited my post for better tagging but I don't know how to edit AI Metadata. So they are Animagine XL v3.1, DPM2 Karras, 30 Steps, 20 Scale

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    Kuriomato said:

    and you know what it came out just fine there no weird purple bloches, the girl looks normal whats the issue here

    Sorry for my angry attitude, i just want to clarify some things:

    The model you're using is a Stable Diffusion 1.5 model, and the loras you're using are only meant to work with Stable Diffusion XL, which is another base model that is completely different from 1.5, and they are not being activated since they dont work with sd1.5 so you wouldnt see any difference without them, "score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up" are quality tags used with Pony diffusion (which is a Stable diffusion XL model), in SD1.5 you would use tags like "masterpiece, best quality" which works very well, as for Cfg scale, you might want to lower it down to around 6.5 to 8. I also see that you either dont use a VAE at all or a bad one, try out using kl-f8 anime vae found here: or one made by StabilityAI: these two are put inside this folder: stable-diffusion-webui\models\VAE

    Again, sorry for being rude!

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    sulph said:

    What the fuck is this, the model is SD1.5 yet you use ponydiffusion scores and SDXL loras, CFG scale: 15 and no vae?

    and you know what it came out just fine there no weird purple bloches, the girl looks normal whats the issue here

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    Nur said:

    Sorry I just dont know, I have not feeling well since a long time ago. I dont want to cause problems to anyone.

    If you need help, people are always there for you, talk to your family, friends, a therapist/doctor, hope you feel better soon mate

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    damn, looks like I messed up when copying stuff around, fixed. Usually I try to add the full metadata as a jpeg comment but I'm in the process of switching to comfyui and it's a bit of a mess right now, so I don't remember which posts have what inside.

    the stuff in double underscores is wildcards and as you have guessed it picks one of the options for the prompt. I use adetailer pretty much for every image to fix the face. You can find me on aibooru's discord if you want to chat. Or just dm me.

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    Heyo, trying to understand your Neg Prompt meta data, looks like you copied in a bunch of extra stuff, but it helps me understand your awesome quality a bit. The "Template" part has all this

    `__hairColor__, __hairStyle__, {charcoal black|white|vibrant {red|orange|yellow|green|blue}|pastel {pink|blue|green|yellow|beige}|dark {brown|red|purple|gray}}`

    which may be what the system interprets `multicolored hair, curly hair` as, but just curious on that and it looks like you might have used ADetailer during inpainting. Would love to chat about your work flow sometime.

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    Ocean3 said:

    (realistic background:0.85), anime character BREAK anime opening, 1girl, fox ears, ray bans, synthwave style, digital art, Infra-red, shimmer heat, lineart, skyline in the distance on horizon, orange, pink, blue, purple, indigo, yellow, flat color, low poly vector, wallpaper

    similar to this, easier to just upload


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    iodoff said:

    why no metadata btw :c

    (realistic background:0.85), anime character BREAK anime opening, 1girl, fox ears, ray bans, synthwave style, digital art, Infra-red, shimmer heat, lineart, skyline in the distance on horizon, orange, pink, blue, purple, indigo, yellow, flat color, low poly vector, wallpaper

    similar to this, easier to just upload

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